Entomogenous Fungi - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Entomogenous fungi are associated with insects, other arthropods, and even nonarthropod microinvertebrates mainly as pathogens or parasites. These fungi and fungal allies display diverse interactions with their hosts but follow similar biological …
虫生真菌 - 百度百科
寄生在 昆虫 、 蜘蛛 等幼虫或成虫上的 真菌,称为虫生真菌(entomogenous fungi 或 entomopathogenic fungi)。 能侵入昆虫体内 寄生 、使昆虫发病致死的真菌称为昆虫病原真 …
16.5 Entomogenous fungi - David Moore
Entomogenous fungi have been described from all the major fungal phyla: chytrids, zygomycetes, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota and over 700 species of fungi are known to infest insects. The zygomycetes and Ascomycota contain some extremely common insect pathogens that are also useful in biocontrol programmes (see next section, below).
Action on the Surface: Entomopathogenic Fungi
Entomogenous fungi have evolved mechanisms for adhesion and recognition of host surface cues that help direct an adaptive response that includes the production of: (a) hydrolytic, assimilatory, and/or detoxifying enzymes including lipase/esterases, catalases, cytochrome P450s, proteases, and chitinases; (b) specialized infectious structures, e ...
Action on the Surface: Entomopathogenic Fungi versus the
2013年7月16日 · Entomogenous fungi have evolved mechanisms for adhesion and recognition of host surface cues that help direct an adaptive response that includes the production of: (a) hydrolytic, assimilatory, and/or detoxifying enzymes including lipase/esterases, catalases, cytochrome P450s, proteases, and chitinases; (b) specialized infectious structures, e ...
Classification and infection mechanism of entomopathogenic fungi
2018年1月22日 · Entomopathogenic fungi are important biological control agents throughout the world and have been the subject of intensive research for more than 100 years, and can occur at epizootic...
Notes on entomogenous fungi - ScienceDirect
In collecting entomogenous fungi, one looks on the ground and examines decaying logs, for the larger Cordyceps, and other fungi which grow on insects in such habitats, but to make any representative collection of the species of a given district one must examine the under surfaces of leaves, which is most easily done by turning over, or cutting ...
Entomogenous fungi and the conservation of the cultural heritage…
2008年12月1日 · All reviewed data suggest that entomogenous fungi play an important role in the sites investigated no matter they are caves, catacombs, mural paintings or stained glass windows inside churches, and that they contribute to the mortality of arthropods, disposal of organic matter, and growth and dispersion of fungal spores contained in their ...
Entomopathogenic Fungi as Bioinsecticides - Springer
From the 1880s through the early 1900s, the spectacular epizootics caused by entomopathogenic fungi—fungi-infecting insects—led to studies of their potential use for pest control. Interest in fungi as pest control agents waned, however, as chemical insecticides were used more frequently.
(PDF) Entomopathogenic Fungi - ResearchGate
2019年12月19日 · In addition, this chapter presents in detail the mechanism of action of entomopathogenic fungi, the physiological and ecological characteristics for which they have advantages in the management of...