fax vs facsimile - WordReference Forums
2008年10月1日 · Fax (as indicated in a few posts above) is an abbreviated form that has become standard only in one narrow sense of its predecessor, facsimile. Facsimile is still very much standard in every sense that predates the technology that fax refers to. We can come up with a minimal pair for fax-facsimile: I have a facsimile of Shakespeare's signature.
Facsimile number - WordReference Forums
2010年5月28日 · Hi to everybody.:) I have to fulfill an application form for a bid. In this appllication there is the term "facsimile number" but I really do not understand what it refers to. Does anybody know the meaning of it? Any help will be really appreciated. Many thanks.
facsimile copy - WordReference Forums
2020年10月15日 · A facsimile is just an "exact" copy. A printout of the words of the Declaration of Independence is not a facsimile. A reproduction that shows the form of the original writing and signatures and blemishes on the page is a facsimile. Of course, our current ability to create an "exact copy" is much better than it was in the past.
facsímile - WordReference Forums
2009年2月6日 · Fax también esta en el RAE y no quiere decir facsímile aunque venga del inglés facsimile Si un fax es un facsímile, una fotocopia también lo es y a nadie se le ocurriría llamar facsímile a una fotocopia. Fax y fotocopìas son solo dos métodos de hacer facsímiles.
rimango a disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti
2006年10月30日 · Buongiorno a tutti, mi accodo a questo vecchio topic. Dopo aver fatto una veloce offerta per un pezzo di ricambio, in azienda siamo soliti scrivere alla fine dell'email ("informale" per quanto possa esserlo con clienti B2B):
Come concordato, le invio in allegato il documento richiesto
2009年3月13日 · Devo spedire la seguente e-mail ad un mio Cliente: "Come concordato, le invio in allegato il documento richiesto", questa è la traduzione da me prevista: "As agreed, please find here attached the required document". Grazie per i vostri consigli
Must I add the dot after the abbreviation? - WordReference Forums
2014年6月17日 · The abbreviated information printed in some faxes, name cards, and even some introducing brochures really confuse me recently. Do we need the dot after the abbreviation? Examples, Add for address, Tel for telephone, Fax for facsimile, Mob for mobile phone, Rd for road. And I am not sure the...
ran by / run by | WordReference Forums
2005年8月18日 · Although, while traveling, I have happened into the occasional town where I have come across "Ye Olde Shoppe," usually constructed in some poor facsimile of Elizabethan archietecture. I suppose it's an odd attempt to bring a sense of "American antiquity" to those of us in the twenty-first century. Odd, because "we" were never Elizabethan.
E.S.D. (en su despacho) | WordReference Forums
2007年2月12日 · We also use,--- in the area where "By facsimile and regular mail" or by CMRR [certified mail, return receipt requested] and regular mail" goes in other examples. Click to expand... Atención, traductores...ni E.S.D. (en su despacho) ni E.S.M. (en sus manos) tiene que ver con las frases citadas aquí.
Treated / 'tret' - WordReference Forums
2008年5月10日 · Hi all One of my colleagues said this today: "And the most important thing is to make sure they're tret like royalty." Has anyone else ever heard 'tret' instead of 'treated'? This colleague is from the North of England, so I wonder if it's a regional thing. Broc