About IVO | IVO.se
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) is a government agency responsible for supervising health care, social services and activities under the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS).
Kontakta IVO | IVO.se
Du kan kontakta IVO på flera olika sätt, bland annat via kontaktformulär, e-post eller telefon. Här hittar du de vanligaste kontaktvägarna till IVO.
About supervision | IVO.se
2023年6月7日 · In health care IVO conduct supervision of, for example, primary care, home health care, psychiatric and somatic specialist care and pre-hospital care, including ambulance services. IVO also have supervisory responsibility for medical care in the Prison and Probation Service and school health care.
About permits and registers - IVO.se
2023年6月7日 · A permit from IVO is required for private providers of services under the Social Services Act and the LSS. When the permit application is considered, an assessment is made of whether the service can be run with good quality and safety before a permit is granted.
Sheltered housing (refuge) (SoL) - IVO.se
2024年5月7日 · Om IVO Kontakta IVO Teckenspråk; Other Languages; Lättläst; Start/ Other languages/ Authorisations/ SoL activities that require authorisation/ Sheltered housing (refuge) (SoL) / Kopiera länk Skriv ut. Sheltered housing (refuge) (SoL) Sheltered housing, or refuge, is a form of residence within social services that provides for temporary 24 ...
The Healthcare Provider Register | IVO.se
2023年7月6日 · Under the Patient Safety Act (patientsäkerhetslagen), healthcare providers must notify IVO of new or amended healthcare services. IVO is responsible for the Healthcare Provider Register, which lists services that provide healthcare and dental care.
Startsida | IVO.se
2024年12月5日 · IVO har under 2024 inlett en omfattande granskning med fokus på oseriösa och kriminella aktörer inom vård och omsorg. Hittills har IVO återkallat tillståndet för eller förbjudit 58 verksamheter och åtalsanmält över 130 personer.
Supported housing (SoL) - IVO.se
2024年7月11日 · Supported housing is separate housing with individualised support for children and young people aged 16-20. Special reasons must apply for children aged 16-17 to be able to be placed into supported housing.
Housing with special services for adults (LSS) | IVO.se
2020年12月11日 · Adress. Inspektionen för vård och omsorg. Box 45184 104 30 Stockholm . Organisationsnummer: 202100-6537
The Biobank Register - IVO.se
2023年7月6日 · IVO is responsible for the biobank register and supervises the operations. What is a biobank? A biobank is an organised collection of samples that are received, collected, stored, recorded and analysed with the intention of preservation for scientific study or …