MTS - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Explore San Diego via public transit with bus and trolley service. Find route maps, schedules, trip planner, fares options, and more.
Bus Routes - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Quick list of all of the MTS bus routes in San Diego. Use the search bar below to search for your route or scroll down to select a route to view the map and schedules. Not sure what route to …
Maps and Schedules - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Explore the San Diego area with the MTS Regional Transit Map. Get a list of bus routes and the Trolley system map.
San Diego Metropolitan Transit System - Wikipedia
The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) is a public transit service provider for San Diego County, California. The agency operates a transit system that includes the San Diego …
San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Choose transit to explore more of San Diego. With three Trolley (light rail) lines and more than 90 bus routes, the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) serves some of San Diego's favorite …
San Diego MTS bus system - Wikipedia
The San Diego MTS bus system is a public transport bus service serving San Diego County, California. It is part of the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS).
San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
Ride to the airport, beaches, museums, attractions and sporting events via the trolleys and buses on the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), the largest provider of public transportation in San …
Routes - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
MTS 1 Fashion Valley - La Mesa. MTS 2 Downtown San Diego - 30th & Adams
San Diego Metropolitan Transit System - CPTDB Wiki
The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System or MTS is the public transit provider for Central, South, Northeast and Southeast San Diego County, California. It includes the cities of San …
Transit service cuts, fare hikes, or improvement delays? Facing …
2025年1月17日 · Other options presented to the MTS board include asking voters again to raise the sales tax to fund transit and seeking an exemption from state rules requiring zero-emission …