The RICA Written Examination consists of three subtests that, together, permit a broad and deep assessment of the candidate's knowledge about effective reading instruction in the five RICA domains and the candidate's ability to apply that knowledge.
Here you can find assessment information, register for your assessment, prepare, and get results for the CalAPA, CalTPA, CBEST, CPACE, CSET, CTEL, RICA, NES, and WEST.
The purpose of the RICA is to ensure that California-trained candidates for Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials and Education Specialist Instruction Credentials (special education) possess the knowledge and skills important for the provision of effective reading instruction to …
Passage of the RICA is required for the initial issuance of Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials issued on or after October 1, 1998 for California-prepared candidates and for initial issuance of Education Specialist Instruction Credentials issued after January 1, 2000.
The RICA Test is an assessment given to people who want to become credentialed elementary teachers in California. The RICA Test checks teacher candidates’ understanding of and ability to provide effective reading instruction to young learners in the classroom.