Éric Giguère - StaceStace
Effective since April 2015, Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc (Stace) acquires GE Canada Saint-Augustin to provide a greater level of service and support to our customers. The synergy of this transaction has the following advantages: - Build an intrenal …
STACE SOLAR SOLUTIONS Inc. 75, rue D’Anvers St‐Augustin, Québec, G3A 1S5, Canada T: 418‐878‐6900 E: sales@stacelectric.com www.stacelectric.com * Standard Testing Conditions (STC): 1000W/m², 25 C, AM 1.5 * See PV Module Limited Warranty and General Warranty for conditions STC at Front + Irradiance % on back side for 365W module ...
Apply to a job - StaceStace
Effective since April 2015, Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc (Stace) acquires GE Canada Saint-Augustin to provide a greater level of service and support to our customers. The synergy of this transaction has the following advantages: - Build an intrenal …
PV Archives - StaceStace
Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc. (STACE), a world-class supplier of large electrical equipment in the power generation industry announces that it acquired Soitec’s Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) System technology.
STACE SOLAR SOLUTIONS Inc. 75, rue D’Anvers. St-Augustin, Québec, G3A 1S5, Canada. T: 418-878-6900. E: sales@stacelectric.com. www.stacelectric.com * Standard Testing Conditions (STC): 1000W/m. ², 25 C, AM 1.5 * See PV Module Limited Warranty and …
Marc-Andre, author at StaceStaceStace
Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc. (STACE), a world-class supplier of large electrical equipment in the power generation industry announces that it acquired Soitec’s Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) System technology.
Marieke Lemieux - StaceStace
Effective since April 2015, Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc (Stace) acquires GE Canada Saint-Augustin to provide a greater level of service and support to our customers. The synergy of this transaction has the following advantages: - Build an intrenal …
Over the last 35 years, Stace has been a major supplier of all type of power generation equipment to the worldwide utility market. Stace is committed to integrity and to promote the use of renewable energy.
Stace, with its Solar Generator, has provided the energy needed to power the Global Climate Action Summit site security system. The summit hosted leaders and key players in the movement against climate change. The use of a green energy source was in line with the values conveyed during this summit. © 2018 - Stace Solar Solutions `` Total ...
StaceStace - stacelectric.com
STACE est un fournisseur de classe mondiale d’équipements de génération de puissance ainsi qu’un producteur d’énergies électriques renouvelables. Implantée depuis 1977 dans le Parc industriel de St-Augustin-de-Desmaures (Québec) et antérieurement une unité commerciale de General Electric (GE), STACE contribue à faire rayonner le ...