如何看待Transactions on Machine Learning Research? - 知乎
[N] Announcing the Transactions on Machine Learning Research
2021年12月12日 · Notably, TMLR’s review process will be hosted by OpenReview, and therefore will be open and transparent to the community. Another differentiation from JMLR will be the use of double blind reviewing, the consequence being that the submission of previously published research, even with extension, will not be allowed.
[D] Impressions of TMLR : r/MachineLearning - Reddit
2023年4月25日 · I love the idea behind TMLR: rolling submission, clear focus on technical correctness. I've anecdotally heard of people having good review experiences. But prestige matters for career development. While I appreciate a focus on technical correctness, I worry that the lessened focus on novelty might be to the detriment of TMLR's prestige.
Perception of TMLR and other new/niche venues in Academia [D]
I was like you, the only paper I got accepted prior to grad school was at TMLR. It was actually received positively by my now-advisor. I think getting anything accepted at a reputable venue prior to grad school is a big plus. TMLR really isn't that strange though. It's still reputable.
如何看待机器学习顶刊JMLR降为中科院三区? - 知乎
2020年1月最新版中科院SCI期刊分区中,机器学习顶刊Journal of Machine Learning Research从计算机科学2…
机器学习方向博士毕业有5篇三大会(ICML、Neurips、ICLR)是什 …
[Discussion] ML Workshop/Conference Recommendation: Not AAI …
Had a paper stuck in review at JMLR for two years (with reviewers abandoning the project multiple times). Finally got accepted, but never again. Another TMLR paper took 2 months from submission to acceptance.
量子位 的想法: #每日新闻 【机器学习新期刊TMLR宣布创立,为顶 …
2021年12月13日 · 其一,文章审查将采用OpenReview的形式,对社区保持开放透明的状态;其二,采用双盲评审的形式;其三,JMLR通常接受更长的论文,而TMLR则会专注于接受简短型论文,即类似于顶会风格的论文形式,但TMLR全年接收论文提交。Yoshua Bengio担任期刊顾问之一。
机器学习领域有哪些著名的期刊和会议? - 知乎
现在的会议有点多,有点乱,哪位可以帮忙梳理一下机器学习数据挖掘领域的期刊和会议情况ieee acm sigir s…
请问大佬 PMLR是什么会议呢? - 知乎