Data Standard | Allotrope Foundation
The Allotrope™ Ontologies and Data Models are used to create linked data that standardizes experimental parameters so we can remove human error and enhance scientific reproducibility. Linked data connects results and evidence to people, places, equipment, processes and studies.
Product Suite - allotropefoundation
Drawing from thought across member companies and the Allotrope™ Partner Network the standard language for describing the equipment, processes, materials, and results is being developed to cover a broad range of techniques and instruments, driven by real use cases, in an extensible design.
Introduction to the Simple Model (ASM) - allotropefoundation
The Allotrope Simple Models build upon Allotrope’s in-depth modeling of over 50 different laboratory domains and make it easy for generators and consumers of scientific data to represent their data in a simple yet comprehensive way that leverages Allotrope’s expansive ontologies to ensure a consistent nomenclature across any technique.
ADF Data Package API v1.5.3 RF - allotropefoundation
The Allotrope Data Format (ADF) [[!ADF]] consists of several APIs and taxonomies. This document constitutes the specification for the ADF Data Package (ADF-DP). It defines how to store multiple data files such as audio, video, images or text in a single package.
Advantages - allotropefoundation
The Allotrope™ Framework is setting a new standard for the way we leverage data and provides crucial advantages that speed up Research and Development, expand data mining capabilities and, more importantly, drive innovation.
Product Overview - allotropefoundation
Drawing from thought across member companies and the Allotrope™ Partner Network the standard language for describing the equipment, processes, materials, and results is being developed to cover a broad range of techniques and instruments, driven by real use cases, in an extensible design.
Resources - allotropefoundation
"Standardizing Data Management: Industry players form Allotrope Foundation to solve analytical data management problems" by Vergis JM and Vanderwall DE Pharmaceutical Technology. 2014 Nov; 29-30.
Allotrope Simple Model (ASM) - allotropefoundation
The Allotrope Simple Model (ASM) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-based standard for the structure of instrument data. Through its use of JSON, the de facto standard by which computers on the internet share data, the data in an ASM is designed to be easy to read, write, and transmit by any modern software system.
Founding Background - allotropefoundation
Founded in 2012, Allotrope Foundation is an international consortium of pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and other scientific research-intensive industries that is developing advanced data architecture to transform the acquisition, exchange, and management of laboratory data throughout its complete lifecycle.
Allotrope Data Format v1.5.3 RF - allotropefoundation
The Allotrope Data Format (ADF) defines an interface for storing scientific observations from analytical chemistry. It is intended for long-term stability of archived analytical data and fast real-time access to it.