emended. Log in to your Emended account, or sign up for free. emended. emended. English . English; Suomi; Sign in with your email address and password. Email. Password. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get a new one. Don’t have an account? Sign up for free. Sign in …
Emended-palvelu päättyy. Emendedin pitkä taival tulee päätökseen, kun palvelu lopetetaan 31.7.2025 eli lukuvuoden 2024–2025 jälkeen.
Emended will be discontinued. The long journey of Emended will come to an end as the service will be discontinued on 31th of July, 2025.
Emended - Terms of Service
Emended.com provides its service to the user subject to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms of Service” hereafter abbreviated as “TOS”). Emended.com is a website owned and operated by Momocode oy, a company duly incorporated in Finland.
Emended - Privacy Policy
A user can verify their data through account management or by contacting the data controller via email at support@emended.com. The servers and the data are kept so that they are only accessible by named administrators of the system.
Release notes for version 0.6.0 - Emended
Status and development updates for Emended - the leading online tool for sharing rich, personalized feedback with your students.
Releases - Emended
Status and development updates for Emended - the leading online tool for sharing rich, personalized feedback with your students.
Emended LTI tester
Your product's unique identifier in Emended. You receive the key either by logging in to your team in Emended or directly from Emended staff.
LTI integration guide - Emended
Emended uses LTI to offer an easy way of integrating Emended to your LMS. This guide is meant for users who are integrating to Emended using LTI from a ready-made LMS with LTI support. Overview. In LTI terminology, your LMS functions as a Tool Consumer, and Emended functions as a Tool Provider.
Emended is easy to use and, best of all, free for students! If you’re just getting started with Emended, cover the basics by reading the following: 1. Getting your free Emended student account 2. Enrolling in a workspace 3. Creating submissions and reading feedback , including our Guidelines for documents before uploading