Sodium hypophosphite - Wikipedia
Sodium hypophosphite (NaPO 2 H 2, also known as sodium phosphinate) is the sodium salt of hypophosphorous acid and is often encountered as the monohydrate, NaPO 2 H 2 ·H 2 O. It is a solid at room temperature, appearing as odorless white crystals. It is soluble in water, and easily absorbs moisture from the air.
次磷酸钠 - 百度百科
次磷酸钠,是一种无机化合物,化学式为NaH2PO2,为白色结晶性粉末,易溶于热乙醇和甘油,溶于水,不溶于乙醚,主要在食品工业中用作防腐剂、抗氧化剂。 LD50:4000mg/kg(大鼠经口);4720mg/kg(兔经皮)。 LC50:9400mg/m 3,2小时(小鼠吸入)。 [1] 主要在食品工业中用作防腐剂、抗氧化剂。 “科普中国”是为我国科普信息化建设塑造的全... 次磷酸钠,是一种无机化合物,化学式为NaH2PO2,为白色结晶性粉末,易溶于热乙醇和甘油,溶于水,不溶于乙 …
Hypophosphite - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypophosphite, also known as phosphonate, is an ion. Its chemical formula is H 2 PO 2-. It contains phosphorus in its +1 oxidation state. It is made by disproportionation of phosphorus in warm alkali. Phosphine is also produced. It is a strong reducing agent. Chemical compounds that contain the hypophosphite ions are called hypophosphites.
Phosphinate - Wikipedia
Phosphinates or hypophosphites are a class of phosphorus compounds conceptually based on the structure of hypophosphorous acid. IUPAC prefers the term phosphinate in all cases, however in practice hypophosphite is usually used to describe inorganic species (e.g. sodium hypophosphite), while phosphinate typically refers to organophosphorus species.
次磷酸钠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
次磷酸钠,化学式NaH 2 PO 2。 次磷酸钠是一种无色 单斜 结晶或有珍珠光泽的晶体或白色结晶性粉末,易潮解,无臭,味咸。 易溶于水、乙醇、 甘油,稍溶于 氨 和 氨水,不溶于 乙醚。 水溶液呈鹼性。 在干燥状态下较为稳定,加热至200°C以上则迅速分解放出剧毒且自燃的 磷化氢 气体。 为强 还原剂,可将金、银、汞、镍、铬、钴等金属从盐中还原为金属状态。 遇强热或与 氯酸钾 等氧化剂混合时会爆炸。 常压下,加热蒸发次磷酸钠溶液也会发生爆炸,故蒸发应在减压下进 …
Hypophosphite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Hypophosphite is a type of ion (H2PO2-) that can act as a ligand in certain materials. It exhibits unique structural properties different from formate ions, including various configurations and off-centering of organic cations in frameworks.
hypophosphite - 百度百科
详细研究了以黄磷、氧化钙和碳酸钠为原料,采用一步法制备次磷酸钠的最佳条件和有关工艺。 [1] hypophosphite,英语单词,主要用作为名词,意为 [无化] 次磷酸盐。
Hypophosphite: A Review - ScienceDirect
1990年6月1日 · Sodium hypophosphite has good potential as an antimicrobial food ingredient and it is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). This review summarizes SHP chemistry, history, toxicology, regulatory status, applications, and antimicrobial properties.
Phosphinic acid, sodium salt (1:1) - PubChem
Sodium hypophosphite decomposes when heated, forming phosphine, a spontaneously flammable gas.
Hypophosphite | chemical compound | Britannica
Free hypophosphorous acid, H 3 PO 2, is prepared by acidifying aqueous solutions of hypophosphite ions, H 2 PO 2−. For example, the solution remaining when phosphine is prepared from the reaction of white phosphorus and a base contains the H 2 PO 2− ion. If barium hydroxide (BaOH) is used as…