Lisao | poem by Qu Yuan | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
…with the long melancholic poem Lisao (“On Encountering Sorrow”; Eng. trans. Li sao and Other Poems of Qu Yuan, 2001), Qu Yuan’s most famous work, which initiated a tradition of romanticism in Chinese literature.
《离骚》是中国 战国时期 诗人 屈原 创作的 诗篇,是中国古代最长的 抒情诗。 此诗以诗人自述身世、遭遇、心志为中心。 前半篇反复倾诉诗人对 楚国 命运和人民生活的关心,表达要求革新政治的愿望,和坚持理想、虽逢灾厄也绝不与邪恶势力妥协的意志;后半篇通过神游天界、追求实现理想和失败后欲以身殉的陈述,反映出诗人热爱国家和人民的思想感情。 全诗运用美人香草的比喻、大量的神话传说和丰富的想象,形成绚烂的文采和宏伟的结构,表现出积极的 浪漫主义 精 …
屈原 離騷 translation: An extract from 'The Sorrow of Parting', …
2012年6月23日 · 崦 and 嵫 are both mountains in modern Gansu province. An annotated extract from the poem 離騷 (Lí Sāo), by the Chinese poet 屈原 (Qu Yuan). This is the poem that my Chinese name, 脩遠, comes from.
“Encountering Sorrow” is the most famous example of the poetry of the state of Chu. Chu was one of the many feudal states of the Zhou dynasty. Chu’s location in the Yangzi valley, however, put it on the southern frontiers of the Zhou world.
China Wiki – The free encyclopedia on China, china.org.cn
Li Sao (离骚The Lament) was the longest poem in ancient China. In the first part of the poem, Qu Yuan expressed his fervent concern over the fate of the State of Chu, as well as hopes for political reforms.
Li Sao by Qu Yuan, Part Ⅰ - China Daily
Two princes proud by lust their reign abused, Sought easier path, and their own steps confused. The faction for illict pleasure longed; Dreadful their way where hidden perils thronged. Danger against myself could not appal, But feared I lest my sovereign's sceptre fall.
离骚是一首“屈原的政治生涯传记”诗。以浪漫抒情的形式来叙事是其主要的风格。赋、比、兴三种修辞手法灵活穿插转换是其语言运用上的最大特点。 表达了要使楚国强大就必须推行美政的治国思想。
Lisao : The poem and its author as a composite text : The Lisao as …
2022年9月5日 · This episode offers a detailed discussion of the structure and diction of the Lisao and describes the text not as a single poem but as a composite text created from different poetic registers, and different voices, that are otherwise known from the …
77 Art. II.?The LI Sdo Poem and its Author. By the Rev. Professor Legge, Oxford. I. The Author. The Literature of China has been arranged by its scholars,
"Lisao : The poem and its author as a composite text : The …
Lisao: The poem and its author as a composite text: The meaning of Qu Yuan in the Western Han [13]. In How to read Chinese poetry podcast. Hong Kong: Lingnan University.
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